11 June 2013


Everybody always wish for a wonderful smooth ,perfect skin, as we all know skin is the human largest organ ,but do you know there are some vital vitamins that play an important role in your complexion I meant positively , thou most of these vitamins are contained in the skin care product that we use. However it is extremely important that we give the skin these vitamine through some food we eat which are also high in vitamins ,below are some important vitamins that you can derived from eating healthy foods. • VITAMIN A : (RETINOID) when a skin is scaly and dry ,then there is a possibility that you might be lacking in vitamin A ,Vitamin A also heals the skin ,rebuild tissues and also smooth roughness, patients who are suffering from skin disease like psoriasis can apply RETINOIDS, which help to control cellular growth, itamine is also a great anti-aging nutrient . SOURCES OF VITAMINE A : leafy green ,milk, carrots, eggs, pumpkins liver. • VITAMINE B COMPLEX (niamcinamide) ,it main function is to increase skin hydration ,and make skin less irritable .it should be added to your diet if you wish to achieve an healthy skin, VITAMIN B1 help boost circulation in the body women who are taking birth control pills are at risk of lacking B1 . it also help the skin receive plenty of oxygen. SOURCES ……….nuts, raisins and egg yolks. Vitamin C : vitamin c helps battle aging skins ,it also stimulate the production of collagen in the skin .collagen is the protein responsible for making skin supply. SOURCES : fruits are great sources of vitamin C .vegetables like broccoli, Tomatoes, carrots ,broccoli and carrots.

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