19 June 2013


HEALTH IMPORTANT OF DRINKING ORANGES Oranges is among the most healthy of all foods ,and most nutritionists often recommend a diet rich in fruits for healthy body, researchers has indicated that oranges contains some other important compound which help fight cancer ,apart it main ingredient of vitamin c, oranges contains over 170 phytochemicals. Below are some important benefits of eating oranges… 1. Oranges help fight cancer and some other illinesses, because it also contain carotenoids. 2. Oranges also contains limonoids, limonoids is compound which gives the oranges their slightly bitter flavor. Limonoids are are highly effective or server as an anti- cancer agents. 3. Oranges are great source of vitamin which serve as a good antioxidant protection and immune support…. 4. Oranges can serve as a great protection against cardiovascular disease.., 5. Polymethoxylated are compounds in oranges peels ,helps to lower cholesterol, which are believed to be more effective than prescription drugs. 6. A great source of fiber ,a single orange contain 13.5% of fibre which helps to reduce high cholesterol ,and also help to keep blood sugar level in the body system 7. Oranges prevent kidney stone . 8. Oranges help prevent ulcer and reduce\ risk for cancer of the stomach. Oranges are so sweet and inexpensive ,with so many important and benefit to the body,so just get your basket and go orange shopping.

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